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Document Type : Original Research Article


Department of chemistry, College of Science , University of Baghdad, Iraq


The reaction is based on the Lincomycin that has been responded. In an acidic solution, combine HCl and phosphomolybdic acid to produce a white color precipitate that may be measured using an ISNAG-Fluorimeter (homemade instrument). Some chemical and physical variables have been evaluated. The correlation coefficient was r=0.9983. The calibration curve was linear (the range was 0.0051 mmol/L). The minimum detection limit concentration in the linear dynamic range of the calibration curve was 19.935 ng. The RSD percent of lincomycin HCl at 0.3 and 0.8 mmol/L was less than 0.25% (n=8). The approach was used to determine lincomycin HCl in three pharmaceutical tablets. Comparisons were made using a standard expansion approach and a matched t-test between the recently created method and the traditional strategy (UV-Vis spectrophotometry and turbidimetry with a turbidimeter). At the 95% confidence level, there was no significant difference between the two techniques.

Graphical Abstract

Development of a new methodology for Lincomycin.HCI (LINO.HCI) determination using phosphomolybdic acid (PMA) as a reagent and ISNAG-Fluorimeter Instrument via CFIA


Main Subjects

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